The Ranker's Way Windows/MobileApp Downloader
Laptop App : App will work in windows 8, 10, 11 64bit. Please use following link to download the app
Laptop app link
Mobile App: If you want to watch videos in mobile app, use the following link to download mobile app
Mobile app link
To get activation code try below
In mobile app - Install and login into app. Go to mycourse -> Click activate button. No need to enter code
In Laptop app - Install and login into app. Then click get activation code button. You will receive sms
1. Getting request timed out
Check your laptop clock settings. The time should be correctly set in laptop
2. My windows app is getting crashed in windows 7.
App does not support windows 7
3. My windows app is crashing in windows 8,10 or 11
Disable any external display or your display adapter from device manager in windows
4. I am getting no course available
Check if you are logging in the same mobile number used while payment. Also Check if you have clicked generate activation key in vsmart portal, if you have purchased from vsmart website or affiliates.
If above FAQ does not solve your problem fill the following form.
Support Form link